Monday, March 14, 2011

The Garden Bones

Starting all over again is not always pleasant, but it does offer new opportunities and possibilities.  For example, I don't get to use my old beds at the cabin, but I do get to use two existing beds.  In addition, Miracle Worker decided to help me lay out the cinder blocks for additional gardening space.  He even partly filled them with the existing, aged, horse manure.

We added these three cinder block beds.

Here I snapped this photo where I hope to plant a grape (shovel handle in the forefront).  The other shovel handle you see is to be the other grape.  I hope to make them meet in the middle over an arbor!  This photo is the first of a 180 degree view of the garden, starting here on the right...

...We'll finish filling the beds with our "Llamanure" courtesy of our Llamas!
We'll also be performing some final garden cleanup and getting the clutter out...

 ...The third of four photos.  Love that flowering apricot!  The bees are all abuzz over it!...

...I hope to plant along the fence with corn over potato mounds and let pole beans climb up the corn stalks...

For the most part I hope to grow tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers, squash, beans, herbs, and try my hand at edamame.

Here's the apricot up close with a happy bee.

As always, I am concerned I haven't started garden chores soon enough.  But I think it will work out fine.  Perhaps my plans are too bold considering the fact that we may not even be here after three to five years.  On the other hand, I don't exactly want to be kept from enjoying what I can, where I can.  Who knows what tomorrow may bring!

Wasn't there a Mary Englebright card which said, "Grow Where You're Planted!"  A good motto to live by.

Visit the link above and meet a whole bunch of great homesteaders!


  1. Hi,
    Looking at your photos reminds me of our first garden in Northern Nevada... same brown ground... Raised beds are the way to go...your little apricot tree is adorable! Came over from the Barn Hop!

  2. Welcome! So glad to have you! Look forward to following your blogs too!

  3. Your gardens are going to be gorgeous. I love the curves in the planting beds.

    happy happy day!
